Brazilian (V)
As little or as much hair off bikini area and butt strip
As little or as much hair off bikini area and butt strip
Service: Brazilian wax including butt strip, Aftercare: 1 4oz Bottle of Ingrown Potion oil Blend(contains nuts) , and Dry Brush
As little or as much hair off bikini area, does not include buttstrip
An inch off the top of the pubic area as well as an inch off the outside panty line
Just shoulders, does not include neck
Full butt includes butt strip
Toes and top of foot
Upper and lower arm, includes hands
Upper arm includes elbow, lower arm includes elbow and hands
Includes upper, middle and lower back
Upper part of back
Includes middle of the back
Includes lower part of the back
Just middle strip of chest
Lower stomach under bellybutton
Includes full neck
Includes full face, does not include neck or ears
Clean up only, no reshaping
Includes forehead and hairline around forehead head
Back of neck
Inside of nose
Cheek area
Inside of nose
Includes stomach under belly button
Includes upper middle and lower back
Includes Toes
Includes knee and toes